Reaching small milestones is one of the things that
sometimes makes life a bit more enjoyable. So it was nice to reach a rather modest
mark recently (50 Episodes) along with my partner and co-host Matteo Codispoti (We Want a Cup) on the “Leaf Matters” podcast that we have produced, starting back in
early November of 2012. For the record, "Episode 50" featured our first ever "fan" round-table, featuring Toronto-based Leaf supporter Sean Pratt and Daryl Keeping, a native and resident of Newfoundland and another long-time Leaf fan with blue and white in his family's veins. On the podcast they both share some vivid memories of what it means to be a Leaf fan.

Along the way, a number of folks from the mainstream media
have given freely of their time to join the show, and we have also tried to ensure that
we've reached out to our friends and colleagues in the hockey/Leaf
blogosphere. Some have declined our
offer to take part, but most have been very willing to guest on the show. All our guests have done an excellent job
providing their insight and offering analysis when it comes to what is facing
the team we all follow so closely.
If you’ve never listened to the program, I invite you to
give it a try. It won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. Matteo encouraged me to follow the HF
Boards, for example, to chat about the topics we discuss on the podcast but I had to stop. It was simply too negative for me. I don’t mind fair 'criticism' but as I try to remind people, we are simply two long-time Leaf fans looking to
offer an enjoyable alternative to what you might usually hear. We are not broadcasters, or mainstream media
people. We are looking to produce a show by
Leaf fans and for Leaf fans, nothing more than that.
We hope some of you do like what we’re doing, and based on a
lot of the feedback we have received (Facebook, Twitter, iTunes, personal
e-mails) many of you have, and that’s good to hear. Those that don't have the freedom to look elsewhere for Leaf chat. It's the same with this site, Vintage Leaf Memories. I well recognize it won't be a blog everyone will love or even like. But I hope enough will continue to support my efforts here to make it worthwhile continuing, when I sometimes think my absence would go unnoticed.
For those who might be interested, the program is available on iTunes and also on the PodAlmighty Network, Canada's top podcast network.
Here is a list of individuals we have chatted with on the "Leaf Matters" podcast so far:
Here is a list of individuals we have chatted with on the "Leaf Matters" podcast so far:
Former Leafs
Allan Bester
Laurie Boschman
Bob Nevin
Mark Osborne
Mirko Frycer
Jim Dorey
Mainstream media
Mike Zeisberger, Toronto Sun
Lance Hornby, Toronto Sun
Kevin McGran, Toronto Star
Damien Cox, Toronto Star
Adam Proteau, The Hockey News
Sean McIndoe (“Down Goes Brown”) National Post
Darren Yourk, Globe & Mail
Paul Hendrick, Leafs TV
Joe Bowen, Leafs play-by-play
Dave Feschuk, Toronto Star
Steve Buffery, Toronto Sun
Special guests
Pat Quinn, former Leaf player and coach
Elizabeth Brinton, granddaughter of Maple Leaf
founder Conn Smythe
Matt Nichol, founder, Biosteel
I hope I’m not missing anyone. We certainly appreciate everyone who has taken the time to visit the show. If you do like the program, I hope you'll consider leaving feedback on iTunes or on the PodAlmighty Network site.
Matteo and I hope we’ll be around when we really have something
special to talk about in Leafland. The
Leafs matter, and Leaf fans matter, too.
Thank you.
I really enjoy the podcast. I look for it often.
ReplyDeleteI heard that celebration music and it seemed appropriate. In honor of the Leafs who are poised to make the playoffs and the 50th podcast I broke my lockout "no NHL merchandise" protest tonight.
I bought this rather unique "Vintage Leaf" style jersey:
I don't think this stylized jersey has ever existed in the real history of the Leafs, but it looks nice and I will probably wear it to the office playoff draft when I will take Kadri with my first pick.
It's totally understandable that you "broke" your merchandize boycott, DP. You've made your point and there's no reason we can't all set that aside now and enjoy the Leafs seemingly on the verge of getting a much-cherished playoff spot.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the pic- and yes, Kadri with your pool pick sounds fine! (And thanks as well for the kinds words about the Leaf Matters podcast, DP.)
Some more good news:
ReplyDelete"David Broll and Stuart Percy have followed Garret Sparks to the Marlies with their respective teams out of the OHL playoffs."
So very soon we will get a chance to see some important future building blocks for the Leafs in action with the Marlies and we will get a better gauge of their potential impact with the Leafs.
How soon will we see them play?
Turn on your TV in 25 minutes, they should be in the lineup for the game at 11 a.m. on LeafsTV as they take on the Lake Erie Monsters.
Sorry folks, I guess they didn't get the numbers sewed on in time for Broll and Percy, but Sparks is in as a backup
ReplyDeleteI have to believe that Leaf Matters is part of a new breeze blowing into town. Perhaps the 'invisible' fans need to be brought forward, and the team needs to know the vast scope of it all. It has always seemed to me that we can prevail by sheer collective force. Thank you for fifty wonderful episodes! I invite my husband into my study to listen after a long day, and it is something we both enjoy. Keep up the good work and let's hope the picture above always brings you good luck.
ReplyDeleteYour loyal fan,
I very much appreciate your kind words, Elizabeth. They are particularly meaningful to me, because you, as a long-time member of the Smythe family that founded the Leafs, understand better than anyone why the Leafs - and their fans - matter. There are so many, as you say, "invisible" fans- the kids listening to games in bed, who purchase trading cards, seniors for whom a Leaf game is a big part of their day...everyone who has an emotional stake in the team, young and old. Thanks again, Elizabeth. We'll try to the respect the Leaf legacy with our work on "Leaf Matters".